Sunday 28 September 2014

Last (?) Hurrah... White Lion Antiques again

What a day! Quite a while ago I had already planned to go to White Lion again today, basically because I am hopefully getting my seats recovered and they are going off to be done tomorrow. So considering the time of year, it's probably the last event to attend for a little while. (decided that Tenterden in Kent still a bridge too far frankly)

Glad we did (Rob came again, specifically turning down the skatepark for it this time!) It was beautiful weather, sunny, hot (end of Sept!). The turnout was MASSIVE with the carpark and field being pretty much full.

As is the norm these days, nice smooth journey down. We turned up around 10.45am and stayed for 2-3 hours and there was plenty too look at. The neighbor was there in his Scimitar too, plus I was coincidentally parked up next to an MGB GT just like the one I used to have same year, Webasto sunroof at least. Same except for the wheels and colour!

Nice weather for a couple of decent shots. The usual lineup and standalone pics!

Then got home and it was time to bite the bullet. Out came the seats, leaving me no way of driving in the meantime, but they are packed in Becky safely ready to go off to be recovered at long last with the original set of covers that I got imported from the US all the way back in December LAST YEAR!!

Need to take the opportunity to hoover to the carpets whilst the seats are out, messy!! REALLY looking forward to having nice seats!

Probably won't use her as much through winter as I did last year, first year was sheer bloody minded determination to the exclusion of all else, but the aim is pure enjoyment from hereon in!

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