Friday 5 September 2014

Engine problem again - diagnosis required

So, shouldn't have got all comfortable! First drive to work since Camberley, Amy started fine as usual, no worries there, but felt lumpy and rather sluggish.

Similar symptoms as when the head gasket failed previously, except there wasn't the "broken" noise that went with it.

Anyway, returned home, no point carrying on to work. Did cursory check with the starter handle and seems only one cylinder has proper compression. Didn't have time to check thoroughly, but if that is the case, then there is a small hope that it is valve clearances. I haven't touched them since the first Head Gasket change (let alone the third!)

Seems odd that the drive home from Camberley was fine, and yet suddenly not fine this morning, that would indicate a failure of a component, rather that coming out of adjustment.

But we'll see. Had a great, trouble free, summer's motoring. Perhaps attendance to Cobham is in jeopardy, need the weekend to work on her to find out.

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