Friday 12 September 2014

Car at work - 9 or 10 - almost a year to the day since first one!

I occasionally like to take a picture of the view from the office window when I drive Amy to work. There are about 9 others of similar shots. The first one I took was on Friday 13th Sept 2013. That's as close as damn it to a year. So 364 days later, here is Amy at work again:

Running and looking as good, if not better, than she did a year ago, if I do say so myself. Also for once actually looking quite big next to the "getting to classic" H reg Mazda next to her! I mean it's getting on for 25 years old, and the MX5 is generally recognized as a classic design.
Look at the "Mini" next car up. How can that be considered a "Mini"..!!?? @#!$%

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