Wednesday 10 September 2014

Mini Somerset convoy to Brooklands!

It was the last visit to Brooklands of the year for the ACCC monthly meet last night. I'd met a guy locally in Bracknell who also has a Somerset and we drove up together, which was pretty cool. Most of the journey was in partial daylight, so there were some turning of heads as we pottered past!

Despite being happy that I had "fixed" my engine again, I was still back to being a little nervous. It's near enough 20 miles each way, and the journey home was going to be fully in the dark and down a number of unlit roads, so it was just in the back of my mind whether I'd have any problems.

But no - all pretty smooth there and back, was able to keep up with the other Somerset, which is a lot smoother and driven harder than mine!!

A fellow club member had a spare chrome bonnet catch and decorative chrome (the Flying A, and the chrome strip) that he sold me, which was great. He'd noticed mine was broken and brought it up as he thought I would be interested - damn right and big thanks there!

Cobham at the weekend, only round the corner from Brooklands, so no harboured worries for the journey at the weekend. The organizer was there last night and mentioned that around a third of the cars displaying at the weekend are Austins!!

Also hoping to meet the guy who is going to do my seats.

Was pondering going to ACCC rally in Tenterden in mid October before the little engine wobble, after a successful couple of longer trips, I am considering it again. But that is 80 miles each way... hmmmm.. not sure, we'll see. Don't have to register so can pretty much decide that morning!

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