Tuesday 4 November 2014


Last year was mild. Wet, windy, horrible... but mild. I was happy to drive Amy on frosty days like here, obviously I had a number of challenges to overcome with blowing headgaskets etc!! But despite the post mentioning ice, it was in reality only a frost.

This morning was an eye opener. A nice sunny day was slated. At the same time temperatures have suddenly dipped after a lovely Indian summer and this morning the tarpaulin was FROZEN solid to the roof!

I am struggling to shake that bloody minded-ness and partly I wanted to drive Amy IN SPITE of te cold weather just to see how she would behave. With hindsight I didn't think about the paintwork, but cover came off and she started up pretty easily as usual and have had another nice day of driving to / from work and around at lunchtime.

Very pleased that Amy is running niceley- even when it's starting to get REALLY cold. I will not be driving her in really harsh conditions, but nice to have no misbehavior even when there was REAL ice around. And I haven't done any basic maintenance for a little while!... Lazy, need to roll sleeves up over winter whilst I do the thermostat thing need to do all those basics on the engine like Plugs, points, cables etc...

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