Sunday 14 August 2016

Fixed this time??

With the evidence of the crudded up fuel pump and now the performance after clearing the issue, I am more satisfied that it is fixed.

Cleaned out the carb bowl this morning (although there was hardly any residue there) then went for a drive. Ever increasing circles as confidence grew and ended up doing nearly 20 miles, with some good open sections and some windy, bumpy sections.

No problem so that seems to be that at last.

No harm in having fitted a new coil and having a spare condenser!

With hindsight, I think I was convinced of electrics being the issue due to having only just changed the dynamo for an alternator. Seemed just too much of a coincidence and I was a bit blinkered that it must be related

I must remember to check the pump at least every year!! I wont re-fit an inline fuel filter, because it is quite clear that the system used all those years ago does a great job.

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