Saturday 13 August 2016

Fuel? Reason static simulated drives seemed OK??

Haven't driven Amy for three weeks. After a long lay off I normally prime the carb bowl manually first. It took more effort than I remember on similar occasions, but she started fine so I had no real concerns. After that I only drove to the petrol station to fill up, but already broke down just as entering the forecourt half a mile away.

Despite previously being fairly sure of electricals being my problem, this forced me go back to the fuel possibility. Whilst at the station she still wouldn't restart and the pump jet area of the carb bowl - which usually looks wet with fuel was bone dry again. So I took the fuel line to pieces, it should have poured petrol when taken apart. nothing. A bit of fiddling got fuel coming through enough to get me home.

So at the moment I still have issues. Coil or condenser is not the issue, it is fuel.

Need to clear it properly, couple of shows coming up soon and need to fix it a restore confidence.

Update. The fuel pump is full of crud. I haven't checked it in around 2 years!! Oooops. Cant explain the seemingly weak sparks that I THOUGHT I was seeing before. But this HAS to be my problem! It would also explain why static engine revving on the driveway didn't show the problem up, as the crud was not being sloshed about to reblock any clear channel that may have form.

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