Tuesday 11 October 2016

Catchup on Work Done

Missed documenting a couple of minor jobs in between, times. Nothing major but just to confirm. Fuel tank is now bolted back in place, had to drill out originals as they sheared so replaced with some SS M8 nuts and bolts. Bad photo, but just to give the gist.

The wire that is just visible was to get a guaranteed earth connection for the fuel gauge, because it was a bit temperamental, but actually once tightened up everything seems to work as it should without it, so will remove shortly, after I am sure. (Other end was under one of the sender set screws to give a direct earth, rather than via the tank.)

New fuel sender gasket also fitted. Should not get leaks when filling up (it dripped a bit). Fill needed to test the theory, don't see why there should be any issue, the prior gasket was paper & almost non-existent. The dribble was faint then, so with this one all should be fine!

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