Thursday 29 August 2013

Clinching the REAL deal

Negotiating the actual sale of the car wasn't the real deal. Was I "ALLOWED" to get the car?

Well, my wife was totally supporting, she had known that I wanted to do something like this and I had shown her pictures of the car at least before. And despite the comment that "it's VERY Green isn't it?" !! She was pretty OK that I was planning going to go ahead. On the basis that I painted the wheels Cream :-)

I'll mention now that we have two kids who are 10 and 13 at this time. My 13 year old son has been excited about this from the minute I started looking. My 10 year old daughter pretty disinterested, but that was going to change (later!)

We arranged to go and see the car that Saturday for a final decision.

I then spent that evening relatively obsessed, and coincidentally whilst looking at pictures of Somerset's on the internet I came across a couple of pictures from when the car was with the previous owner in North Wales from around June 2006. Copied here for posterity into this post, acknowledgment to owner of the originals which, at the date of posting, are on this site:

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