Saturday 31 August 2013

First tinkering and first sign of a real problem?

A couple of minor jobs been done so far, reactive mode rather than planned. First planned task today - ignition. Just the dizzy cap, rotor arm and HT leads for now - no tools yet!!

Fairly leisurely stuff to ease myself into things. Everything was LOOKING pretty good anyway, so figured it was as good a place to start as any.

Sure enough, dizz cap off, rotor arm a bit corroded, quick clean up there. Same with the connections in the dzzy, nothing much to cause any concern there. HT leads were just a bit mucky:
But nothing untoward, just gave everything a good clean up. Managed to remember to mark the leads BEFORE removal. Obvious, yes, but I remember with my Beetle and probably MG not knowing to do that, and the consequences were obvious. Nice green shade of nail varnish to mark them!! (I think tippex had been used before, and only one previous set of marks was visible.)

Back in place, not looking a lot different to be honest, and of course started up no problem. Just visible botttom right, thermostat housing studs soaked with WD40 in preparation for fitting of thermostat soon-ish. Didn't look TOO corroded, but .. fail to prepare = prepare to fail. So seemed like a a sensible step.

Later on in the day, she threw me a curve ball. Haven't mentioned yet, but the starter pull is a little temperamental. Sometimes first pull turns the starter motor, sometimes 4 or 5. But so far at least, she eventually starts, so not too worried. Today, the same thing happened, except each pull was taking juice from the battery. This implied that the starter pull was doing it's job, but the starter wasn't turning. Oh dear I thought, first problem that I won't be able to fix then and there.

Got the starter handle out, with a view of getting the car started manually. Located the handle and tried to turn her. Nothing, could NOT move it. Oh dear - even worse I'm thinking. Somehow I've seized the engine (yes I am prone to over reacting!!). With a bit more effort she turned, but didn't start. No ignition, I'd switched off .. duh.. But whilst back in the cockpit to turn on the ignition, I figured no harm to try to start normally again. And she just started no trouble. I am stumped at the moment.

If anyone else DOES happen to read this and has any ideas, comments are more than welcome!! (I don't expect anyone to read, or at least stay awake whilst reading! - but I guess there is an off chance of some useful feedback!!)

I have a list of questions to take to the owners club meet!! Hope they're a friendly, patient bunch!!

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