Thursday 29 August 2013

Night drive, first starting problem

My son said on Tuesday night "have you driven it in the dark yet?" What a great excuse to go out for a spin! So we went out, three of us, son and daughter, for a little night time cruise.

Could I get it to start...? No... Not to start with at least. The car had sat all day Bank Holiday Monday and all day Tuesday without being touched. So Tuesday night, the damp is starting to rise and it's a bit colder.

Problems I think?.. Well yes... but only my complete lack of knowledge about how to use a manual choke! Huffed and puffed to get it started and it did eventually, but made me realise I need to get a feel for the car. Not the simple start and go that I have been used to for 20 years. I knew it would be a challenge and just a case of re-learning old skills and learning some new ones.

At least I've got reasonable hang of the column shift by now and haven't reversed at anyone since the first journey.

Dashboard lights don't work, need to fix those.. (although as this is still a day or so retrospective, I can say with 100% certainty that was user error also!!!)

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