Saturday 28 September 2013

So far so good - Carb etc...

Clearing the pump jet has had the desired effect so far. She seems to run as sweet as she's going to from cold. (for an ages old 1200cc engine!) Weather does not prove anything totally conclusive yet about reliability, as we have a nice drying warm spell on our hands. But the flat spots are gone when warm and the lumpiness that was apparent during general driving before is also gone.

Still need to do some rust treatment, other things have put that on the back burner. Oh - and the thermostat still needs looking at!

But hopefully all this recent problem fixing will prove good groundwork to get through the winter. It needed sorting so sooner rather than later. We'll see! As with other posts I may look back at this one with a wry smile. But why not be optmimistic.

Friday 27 September 2013

Carb - pump jet

Two posts in one day, but separate topic. Again, dedicated lunch to Amy, not through choice. My normal lunchtime company was busy elsewhere, so wasn't going to go to the pub anyway. Decided to look at the carb, because at the moment that seems to be the only trouble.

Issue was huge flat spots, causing the car to stall occasionally, especially when cold, making other issues worse.

Had a fair idea that the flat spot issue was most likely the pump jet, so finally took that out and had a look.

Sure enough - well bunged up. Could not blow it through myself, eventually cleared out with the trusty football pump and refitted. All seems fine. Gaskets (Emulsion Block and Bowl) are ropey, but can get that sorted out if a big problem.

Car at work - 2 - Two weeks of drama and back to normal

Just had to smile again, thinking about all the things have been through over the last couple of weeks. And nice to be in the office again with the view!

Have posted this photo before, but since the last one was taken I have:

Changed Master Brake Cylinder
Had all wheels and drums off
Replaced Brake Shoes
Replaced oil filter and oil
Broken down causing traffic jam!
Replaced the dodgy Starter Switch
Tidied up some essential wiring

In about a month I have covered approx 400 miles in her. That's over half the miles she'd done over the past 6 YEARS!!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

All (?) Fine again - Replaced starter switch

Hesitate to say "All" fine, but replacement pull starter works a dream. Much better. Even when the old one caught it didn't seem quite right compared to this replacement. I don't KNOW what mechanism is inside these things and you can't dismantle them, but I suppose a unit in poor enough condition could be working JUST, but have such a poor connection that it arcs a bit, causes higher resistance? I can't remember. But either way the new one has done a job. She started fine first thing this morning, even though I don't need to go anywhere, felt the need to try it out. Not so damp today, so still need to reserve judgment.

 Did some patching up work on some of the essential wiring too. So hopefully..... for now OK again!

This is how the "workshop" looks at the moment!!

Oh Dear, part 2 - Random breakdown, Electrics

What a rollercoaster ride this is. (Although have to remember - was expected) This morning Amy wouldn't start. Went through some basics, checked fuel supply, *seemed* to be blocked so did the blowing back thing to the point where I could see fuel bubbling around the accelerator pump piston. Handy way to check, even though it probably shouldn't be happening.

Still wouldn't start, then the starter motor stuck. Cleared that, then ALL the electrics went. Nothing. Checked a few connections, battery terminal was loose. Tightened that up. General electrics back. Fiddled with some "known" dodgy looking wires.

Got her started. Phew, nice to be able to do that.... Warmed engine up, by that time Robbie was ready to go to school as well, so he jumped in and we set off. Got about 50 yards!! Broke down ACROSS the junction at the end of the road, now holding up all traffic! (across a level crossing just up the main road!) Starter motor would not kick in, assume it was the switch. Some fellow commuters helped to push her off the junction and to the side of the road at least. A nice lady offered to drive Robbie to school to avoid him being late! Warning triangle out. Tow rope attached in readiness to get her back on the driveway, but it was rush hour, so couldn't do anything for a while as traffic was backed up and would have been impossible.

Did some more diagnostics on the side of the road in the meantime - was the coil warming up? Could I get a spark across the plugs? And then randomly she started again. Used the opportunity to pull her up the driveway. Reversed up the pavement next to the bemused looking drivers in the traffic jam! Had to go to work in the other car.

In summary, lot's of weird symptoms, lot's of things seemingly not working. (starter motor not going - that could be the starter pull? or something else??).

The fuel supply could have been a red herring, because everything points to electrics. Probably the first properly damp morning, had not been touched all day Monday, which was also a damp day. Lot's of weird behavior that could almost certainly be out down to the iffy wiring.

That was not unexpected, so I think second layup coming in quick succession, because that needs sorting. Cannot afford to be risking breaking down across roads!!

Not TOO concerned at this stage, nothing that can't be fixed relatively easily I don't think. Even if the coil has gone after all, or I need to replace the starter pull switch or some other bits in addition to some re-wiring, I don't think it is any more than that! We'll see...

Went home lunch time she starts fine... When the starter pull decides to work, but seems that it's finally given up the ghost. Installed the spare one that the previous owner had given me. All fine again. Maybe that was the only real problem?.. Anyway, one thing down, on to the next!!! Which I am sure there will be!!!

Saturday 21 September 2013

Great Stuff

All is fine once more. More than fine actually. In summary everything is working, planned jobs are progressing and lots of checks have now happened. All supporting the fact that Amy is a solid little car that *SHOULD* be what I'd hoped for.

Had adjusted brake pedal a bit tight, loosened that off this morning. My dad was coming over to help with the whole job, but since I'd finished during lunch hours and evenings in the week, we'd changed tack to do some general firtling.

Oil filter, still wouldn't budge. Dad's band tool gave no space to turn.Was considering removing the whole assembly from the side of the engine. Then Stu from across the road got home and popped over. (He's got an old Land Rover that he's working on and he's a proper mechanic!)

"I've got a tool that'll do that" says Stu. And sure enough, 5 minutes later it's off. Brilliant. So oil and oil filter done.

Next job, to see if we could bleed the brakes and check the condition of everything in general, so all wheels and drums off. Good news mostly, all wheel cylinders (bar driver side front pair) are newish looking. Also confirmed that most pipe work is also newish - copper. All brake shoes looking good, again bar the aforementioned driver side front pair which were crumbling a bit. Fortuitously had a spare pair which were in better condition, so fitted those. All bleed nipples are stuck solid however. So no go there for now. Soaking with penetrating fluid for now, half an eye on giving them a go at some point, but as mentioned everything is working OK for now, so I'll not worry!!

Generally crawled (literally) all over the underside of the car. Nothing of any particular concern, except that the existing underseal is probably doing more harm than good now, as it is all cracked, water can sit in between that and bare metal and accelerate deterioration. Nothing urgent but will need to give it attention as planned.

Put everything back together, drove around a bit. All fine, brakes good as ever and the "new" shoes are bedding in, so drum is a little hot, but nothing to write home about.

Good day !!! Very satisfied once more. Still need to tackle thermostat, engine a bit lumpy when pulling away. Probably carb - best guess. But all in all, seems like things should be fine for a while. (touch wood!)

Friday 20 September 2013

And back up and running.. !

Fitted new cylinder today in lunch hour.. Yes skipped the pub in favour of Amy, whatever next!

Only connected one of the unions to start with, the supply union. To be honest I wasn't sure how it all worked and kind of expected it not to all flow through... How wrong!!! So watched as brake fluid streamed out of the compression union onto the driveway and then frantically tried to connect it up as quick as possible. Hands covered in brake fluid - cant be good for you. Watch the paintwork too...!

But that screw up has done me a partial favour. With the master cylinder now full, the onward supply pipes also being full due to capillary action and the vacuum of the pipes keeping the original (very clear and clean) brake fluid in. The flow of brake fluid out of the compression union WHILST I was connecting it has meant that I have essentially a full system once more, with only minor air bubbles at best. So figured to give her a try.

Dreamland, big smile on my face. She's working again.. Better than before to be honest. Hardly any sponginess.. If any - I can't feel.

Oh - and the brake lights work!

Still need to bleed to be on safe side, but happy that in less than a week I have done a pretty major job. Phew.. Oil change and thermostat in next???!!!

Thursday 19 September 2013

New master cylinder ready to go in..

So far so good, some work has clearly been done relatively recently. Well in the last 10 years anyway!There seems to be some new and old pipework. The feed from the reservoir down to the cylinder seems old, the pipes onwards to the brakes seem new, at least from the cylinder. Rear brake bleed nipples also look quite new, front ones not.

I think that is my only hurdle now, whether the bleed nipples are seized. Only just thought of that, they are now also soaking in Penetrating oil!

Fingers crossed 

Sunday 15 September 2013

Oh dear.... Brake Master Cylinder seals gone

Wanted a lazy day today, so figured I'd have a quick look at a couple of things. Oil filter and brake light. Cannot budge the oil filter. Another situation like the thermostat. Need to take advice about how brutal to be or what tool I could use without stuffing everything up.

Second problem, quick glance at the brake light switch showed that I have a bigger problem than loose connections. Master Cylinder is leaking, sure enough, now very low on Brake Fluid. Must have happened relatively recent as I have been looking occasionally at the level.

So that's a big job that I'm not sure I'm ready for. She's going to need her first lay up. With the weather being decidedly wet, then she needs covering. Slab to aid water run off to be installed in due course.

Ho hum.. Interested to see how I do with this one. Already have images of all the bolts being seized and not even being able to get the damn thing off. But one day at a time.. If I need to get a man to do it then so be it!

Not a happy bunny.

Saturday 14 September 2013

First proper job, first fail!

Thermostat first "real" job to tackle. Fuel filter, rust painting etc.. has been a bit micky mouse. Replaced first indicator bulb too. Brake lights not working, need to fix that as well. But by real job I mean nitty gritty stuff.
Drained rad down from the bottom hose, the drain tap is stuck, apparently that's quite common. No problem draining from the hose.

Had soaked the nuts with WD40 for a couple of weeks, and sure enough they came off pretty simple.

All went well as per picture.

But, will the damn thing budge? No.

Didn't want to be too gung ho, without a backup plan, so put everything back as it was for now. Have ordered as new housing, just in case and will try a bit harder next time! Need to get a thermostat in for winter!

Friday 13 September 2013

Car at Work -1

No comment. I just like the Comparison. View from the office window down to the car park :-)

How many ways to prevent a car from starting

So far the list is as follows, probably in chronological order of what I've done:
  1. Starter switch not functioning correctly
    (through lack of use probably, that problem has nearly gone)
  2. Not using the choke correctly
    (dumb user, pretty much got hang of it)
  3. Starter motor stuck
    (rare occurrence, have the knowledge and tools to get round that)
  4. Crud in jets possibly
    (again hopefully only through lack use and have a fuel filter now)
  5. No petrol
    (dumb user, what else to say!)
  6. Airlock or blocked fuel line
    (linked to 5. above, have pump for that, hopefully can avoid)
  7. Coil overheated
    (dumb user - don't leave the damn thing switched on!!)
  8. And this morning ... can't believe I am saying this.. Ignition not Switched on
    (dumb user - what else can I say. If you don't switch something on it's not going to work is it??!!)
That last one was the trigger for me to list this out today. Over approximately 3 weeks of ownership, she has ranged from starting by a featherlight touch (when warm) to not starting at all (see reasons above)

I have got through all of those in a relatively short space of time. That list therefore includes the two "breakdowns" mentioned earlier. But what stands out is that only one really is unpredictable and unavoidable. Number 3. The rest frankly should have either now gone away because the car's system is now cleared through from regular use once more, or mostly because I am so dumb!!

This morning was the last straw!!

But still smiling!!!!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Where do I start .... Sheesh .. If a job's worth doing ... Part 3!!!

OK, so always planned to fit a fuel filter, should probably have just done it in the first place! Therefore after a while, it's finally there and if I'd just done it in the first place.......

But anyway, this setup seems to work OK. Car runs fine, nice smooth loop, no possibilities of kinking I don't thing. Just need to affix the filter a bit better than I have so far.

Lash up at the moment.. Literally!! But since I ran out of petrol the other day it's a bit like the proverbial shutting the barn door....

Noticed the fan belt wobbles around a lot, another one of those things I don't remember noticing before. Is it normal? Battery is charging fine, fan is rotating fine, belt doesn't seem overly worn. But just doesn't look / feel right. Will look into it of course!

Later on - DISASTER!... Needed to do a quick drop-off // pickup run that afternoon, so off we go....! Couldn't find keys then... a feeling of doom came across me... Still in the car and.. yep sure enough I had left the ignition on from earlier on when doing the fuel filter! About 2 hours at least if not longer.

One thing I remember is that you NEVER leave the ignition on for extended periods. Would she start? .. NO ... nothing, nada, zip. Had to admit defeat and take the Nissan to do the pick up. What a let down.

Investigations ensued, replacement coil only around £20 so not so bad. Decided to double check that it was broken. Took out spark plug, reconnected HT lead and grounded it to the engine block, like you're supposed to... And turned over and ..... Spark... Odd .. but then... she's firing and running... (Albeit on the 3 remaining cylinders!!) Hurrah.. another mistake gotten away with!!

Refitted Spark Plug, got her running properly. Re-charged the battery a bit and that was that.

That evening, drove her to Ash Vale to meet up with the local members of the Austin Counties Car Club. Would have been slightly down if I'd had to have gone along in the Nissan, so glad she worked after all. Slightly on edge all journey, but all was fine.

Nice bunch of chaps with various cars of the ilk. Including the guy who I had bought the car from. Listened intently, mostly concentrating on names rather than anything else!! Relayed a few of my various tales of woe - from today's incident with the coil ("oh don't worry, that'll be one of the old oil-filled ones.. you'll be fine!"), to the running out of fuel and starter motor sticking cases experienced earlier. Each situation met with a fairly casual, yeah - she'll be fine kind of response, you've got tools now right?.. Comforting to hear!

Also general consensus is that my 88 degree thermostat should be fine.

The debate about petrol additives / unleaded conversion was as divided as it is on the internet!! No-one seems to be able to agree on THAT topic it seems. I am lazy, I'll never remember to do it. I'm sticking with Plan A and running things as they are!!

Sunday 8 September 2013

Wife broke my car!!!! High Low High


Drove down to visit parents for lunch, about 20 miles each way give or take. First full family journey. Me and the wife in the front, kids in the back. Just as it should be.

Marvelous journey, bit of rain, windscreen wipers still funny, but they did a job. 50mph is definitely the fastest comfortable speed. No problem with that though. Really REALLY pleasant.

Had a nice lunch, mum does a lovely roast and the mandatory rice pudding. ALL gone as usual! Talked car with me dad most of the afternoon, he's dug out all of his old mechanics manuals that cover the era perfectly.

Nice drive home, tried out a slightly different route more back roads the better. It really suits the car better.

Dropped daughter to gymnastics, wife learned to drive the column shift around the car park, she's really enjoyed it, and hasn't stressed me out too much either. She's a bit heavy handed with the gears .. Well to be expected (hehehehe...). She's ready to drive Amy home. All good, everybody happy. great stuff!!


She set off home, pull out. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Approached left turn, down to 3rd, then back up to 4th. All good. Then flat spot, "just a little pump on the accelerator" I said, "almost faint so hardly noticable, that'll get her through". But gets worse and worse and worse... Broke down.

Wife broke car first go!! Typical :-) Pulled the car to relative safety using the tow rope over my shoulder. Really funny, got some weird looks, wife laughing her head off!! A random bloke, gave us a little tow for 100 yards to be off the road a bit. I'm still relatively amused at this stage too. Already called my closest mate, James, he's on his way to give us a hand by this time. He and I had been through all that breaking down stuff  way back in the day, although it wasn't the way I'd planned to show him the new toy for the first time. What the @%$#!

By this time, the wife has suggested that I have run out of petrol. "No way I said!"... But you guessed it. That WAS the problem. Got towed home, put a couple of litres in. Still wouldn't start. Tash remembered the same problem she'd had on a friends barge and the solution was to blow through the fuel line. In the mean time another mate, Mark had called back. He suggested the same thing by blowing back up into the tank and then re-priming.

Did the blow back with an old football pump, son could hear bubbling from the fuel tank, so all good there. Re-connected the fuel line and re-primed the fuel pump (car of this age has a manual priming pump - love it!!!) Pumped the accelerator, sure enough, petrol is starting to appear around the accelerator pump piston push rod. (admittedly that's in places that it it shouldn't appear but .. one problem at a time!!)


Cut a long story short, all of this faffing about, she's working fine again. Upshot, fuel gauge cannot be trusted. Need petrol can and the footie pump as part of the "emergency pack" Added .. Done.. And will keep an eye on miles covered versus petrol used and try to keep topped up to avoid the situation again. Must add fuel filter and clean out the carb bowl. Bound to be gunged up.

But that's it for today. All's well that ends well

Still need to do oil change. Next weekend :-) Carb will need attention too. Later.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Rust converting

Rust converter paint arrived today. Just tried a little patch. Did a bit more reading. The ones with tannic acid seem to be recognised as the best, and that's what I bought, so phew...

This looks like the fuel line picture I know, but this area was easily accessible and gives a good view of what's happening.

The black areas are what I expected from the write ups. Essentially the surface rust is converted and seals what's below.

Paint (or underseal or whatever) over the top for a protected finish.

The brown areas I am confused by, but maybe hasn't gone off fully, or too thin a coat perhaps. Will be double checking on that.

I have a litre of the stuff to start with and will start with the underside of the car, just gradually work through it. She's going to be outside a lot and needs protecting!!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

If a jobs worth doing.. it's worth doing twice!

Fuel line leak getting worse, can't leave it until weekend. Thought it was going to be messy with fuel splashing everywhere. Had a think and came up with a plan. Prior to doing anything, blocked the new piece of hose with an appropriate sized piece of dowling. Quickly whipped off the old bit of hose and replaced it with the new, blocked, piece on the fuel tank side. Then I was able to take my time retrieving the jubilee clips, removing the old offending piece of hose and slide the jubilee clips back into place on the new piece without worrying about petol everywhere.

Final step, quick whip out of the dowling and reconnect final connection, tighten jubilee clip. Job done. All fine again!! Have to re-treat the chassis where the petrol leak has removed all the underseal. But planning that all over anyway. Treat rust with Aquasteel / Corroseal equivalent and then probably Tetrosyl on top... Haven't decided yet...

Onwards and upwards. Have "Classic Car" oil ready to change. Just waiting for new filter. Weekend job.

Monday 2 September 2013

Spark plugs, starter motor access clear

Have socket set now, happy birthday to me!! Spark plugs all out, all OK. One a bit more coked than the others, but not a lot. All in very good nick.

Twisted battery cable out of the way on the starter motor so I can get to the square peg bit to free it up if I need too. (My problem from the other day seems to be very minor and easy to fix with a spanner on the starter motor, hence wanting access clear)

Fuel line is drying up. Weird. Still need to replace the short piece of rubber hose.

Took parents for a short spin. Memory lane trip again.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Fuel line, needs doing

With the tank 3/4 full, the fuel line joint that I thought I had fixed and WAS dry when only under half a tank is now soaking petrol again.

I have to guess that the pipe is just about bad enough to leak under the extra pressure. Just ordered a short length to replace it. 99p for 3 inches of pipe!! Can't go wrong, gotta love ebay. What a juxtaposition!

Planning to add fuel filter, but want to take advice as to where best to put it. I think the previous owner mentioned about what best to do when I was in the process of buying the car, but in one ear out the other and I don't want to just hack it in any old place if there is a recomended position!

Suffering urges to just go out for a drive! It'll wear off I guess. Going to resist, although don't know why!