Tuesday 10 September 2013

Where do I start .... Sheesh .. If a job's worth doing ... Part 3!!!

OK, so always planned to fit a fuel filter, should probably have just done it in the first place! Therefore after a while, it's finally there and if I'd just done it in the first place.......

But anyway, this setup seems to work OK. Car runs fine, nice smooth loop, no possibilities of kinking I don't thing. Just need to affix the filter a bit better than I have so far.

Lash up at the moment.. Literally!! But since I ran out of petrol the other day it's a bit like the proverbial shutting the barn door....

Noticed the fan belt wobbles around a lot, another one of those things I don't remember noticing before. Is it normal? Battery is charging fine, fan is rotating fine, belt doesn't seem overly worn. But just doesn't look / feel right. Will look into it of course!

Later on - DISASTER!... Needed to do a quick drop-off // pickup run that afternoon, so off we go....! Couldn't find keys then... a feeling of doom came across me... Still in the car and.. yep sure enough I had left the ignition on from earlier on when doing the fuel filter! About 2 hours at least if not longer.

One thing I remember is that you NEVER leave the ignition on for extended periods. Would she start? .. NO ... nothing, nada, zip. Had to admit defeat and take the Nissan to do the pick up. What a let down.

Investigations ensued, replacement coil only around £20 so not so bad. Decided to double check that it was broken. Took out spark plug, reconnected HT lead and grounded it to the engine block, like you're supposed to... And turned over and ..... Spark... Odd .. but then... she's firing and running... (Albeit on the 3 remaining cylinders!!) Hurrah.. another mistake gotten away with!!

Refitted Spark Plug, got her running properly. Re-charged the battery a bit and that was that.

That evening, drove her to Ash Vale to meet up with the local members of the Austin Counties Car Club. Would have been slightly down if I'd had to have gone along in the Nissan, so glad she worked after all. Slightly on edge all journey, but all was fine.

Nice bunch of chaps with various cars of the ilk. Including the guy who I had bought the car from. Listened intently, mostly concentrating on names rather than anything else!! Relayed a few of my various tales of woe - from today's incident with the coil ("oh don't worry, that'll be one of the old oil-filled ones.. you'll be fine!"), to the running out of fuel and starter motor sticking cases experienced earlier. Each situation met with a fairly casual, yeah - she'll be fine kind of response, you've got tools now right?.. Comforting to hear!

Also general consensus is that my 88 degree thermostat should be fine.

The debate about petrol additives / unleaded conversion was as divided as it is on the internet!! No-one seems to be able to agree on THAT topic it seems. I am lazy, I'll never remember to do it. I'm sticking with Plan A and running things as they are!!

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