Wednesday 25 September 2013

All (?) Fine again - Replaced starter switch

Hesitate to say "All" fine, but replacement pull starter works a dream. Much better. Even when the old one caught it didn't seem quite right compared to this replacement. I don't KNOW what mechanism is inside these things and you can't dismantle them, but I suppose a unit in poor enough condition could be working JUST, but have such a poor connection that it arcs a bit, causes higher resistance? I can't remember. But either way the new one has done a job. She started fine first thing this morning, even though I don't need to go anywhere, felt the need to try it out. Not so damp today, so still need to reserve judgment.

 Did some patching up work on some of the essential wiring too. So hopefully..... for now OK again!

This is how the "workshop" looks at the moment!!

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