Friday 13 September 2013

How many ways to prevent a car from starting

So far the list is as follows, probably in chronological order of what I've done:
  1. Starter switch not functioning correctly
    (through lack of use probably, that problem has nearly gone)
  2. Not using the choke correctly
    (dumb user, pretty much got hang of it)
  3. Starter motor stuck
    (rare occurrence, have the knowledge and tools to get round that)
  4. Crud in jets possibly
    (again hopefully only through lack use and have a fuel filter now)
  5. No petrol
    (dumb user, what else to say!)
  6. Airlock or blocked fuel line
    (linked to 5. above, have pump for that, hopefully can avoid)
  7. Coil overheated
    (dumb user - don't leave the damn thing switched on!!)
  8. And this morning ... can't believe I am saying this.. Ignition not Switched on
    (dumb user - what else can I say. If you don't switch something on it's not going to work is it??!!)
That last one was the trigger for me to list this out today. Over approximately 3 weeks of ownership, she has ranged from starting by a featherlight touch (when warm) to not starting at all (see reasons above)

I have got through all of those in a relatively short space of time. That list therefore includes the two "breakdowns" mentioned earlier. But what stands out is that only one really is unpredictable and unavoidable. Number 3. The rest frankly should have either now gone away because the car's system is now cleared through from regular use once more, or mostly because I am so dumb!!

This morning was the last straw!!

But still smiling!!!!

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