Sunday 15 September 2013

Oh dear.... Brake Master Cylinder seals gone

Wanted a lazy day today, so figured I'd have a quick look at a couple of things. Oil filter and brake light. Cannot budge the oil filter. Another situation like the thermostat. Need to take advice about how brutal to be or what tool I could use without stuffing everything up.

Second problem, quick glance at the brake light switch showed that I have a bigger problem than loose connections. Master Cylinder is leaking, sure enough, now very low on Brake Fluid. Must have happened relatively recent as I have been looking occasionally at the level.

So that's a big job that I'm not sure I'm ready for. She's going to need her first lay up. With the weather being decidedly wet, then she needs covering. Slab to aid water run off to be installed in due course.

Ho hum.. Interested to see how I do with this one. Already have images of all the bolts being seized and not even being able to get the damn thing off. But one day at a time.. If I need to get a man to do it then so be it!

Not a happy bunny.

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