Saturday 28 September 2013

So far so good - Carb etc...

Clearing the pump jet has had the desired effect so far. She seems to run as sweet as she's going to from cold. (for an ages old 1200cc engine!) Weather does not prove anything totally conclusive yet about reliability, as we have a nice drying warm spell on our hands. But the flat spots are gone when warm and the lumpiness that was apparent during general driving before is also gone.

Still need to do some rust treatment, other things have put that on the back burner. Oh - and the thermostat still needs looking at!

But hopefully all this recent problem fixing will prove good groundwork to get through the winter. It needed sorting so sooner rather than later. We'll see! As with other posts I may look back at this one with a wry smile. But why not be optmimistic.

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