Sunday 28 September 2014

Last (?) Hurrah... White Lion Antiques again

What a day! Quite a while ago I had already planned to go to White Lion again today, basically because I am hopefully getting my seats recovered and they are going off to be done tomorrow. So considering the time of year, it's probably the last event to attend for a little while. (decided that Tenterden in Kent still a bridge too far frankly)

Glad we did (Rob came again, specifically turning down the skatepark for it this time!) It was beautiful weather, sunny, hot (end of Sept!). The turnout was MASSIVE with the carpark and field being pretty much full.

As is the norm these days, nice smooth journey down. We turned up around 10.45am and stayed for 2-3 hours and there was plenty too look at. The neighbor was there in his Scimitar too, plus I was coincidentally parked up next to an MGB GT just like the one I used to have same year, Webasto sunroof at least. Same except for the wheels and colour!

Nice weather for a couple of decent shots. The usual lineup and standalone pics!

Then got home and it was time to bite the bullet. Out came the seats, leaving me no way of driving in the meantime, but they are packed in Becky safely ready to go off to be recovered at long last with the original set of covers that I got imported from the US all the way back in December LAST YEAR!!

Need to take the opportunity to hoover to the carpets whilst the seats are out, messy!! REALLY looking forward to having nice seats!

Probably won't use her as much through winter as I did last year, first year was sheer bloody minded determination to the exclusion of all else, but the aim is pure enjoyment from hereon in!

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Final (?!) Car at Work - just visible through the mist!

I took the first shot of Amy at work because I loved the comparison. Then it got out of hand, because I was often just happy she was still running during the last 12 months, so the motivation was sometimes more - "Look still my daily driver occasionally"... So realizing it was getting boring I'd kind of decided that enough was enough. But I seem to find excuses to post just one more! Most of the "Car at Work" pictures have been in sunny weather. A couple on damp days, but Amy only really comes out when the weather is supposed to be nice - so no surprise really. There will NOT be any shots of her at work in the Snow for example.

I maybe WILL stop now, but this morning was amusing. It's supposed to be dry and sunny. I am sure it will be when it burns off, sun is coming through as I type But, having parked up and got to my desk, this is how things were looking!! (we'll ignore the terrible parking of the Audi next to her!)

Saturday 13 September 2014

Amy at Cobham Heritage Day 2014

Excellent day out again, Cobham this time. A yearly event for the village, incorporating a classic car display, organized by one of the guys from the ACCC. Weather was cracking!

Weirdly enough, arrived in a plume of smoke, so worries reared up again. During the day various conversations ensued and removed all plugs whilst there, did compression tests again, with an audience this time!! 125psi each cylinder. No issue there. Can't be head gasket, valves or clearances. (or piston rings?..) Swapped spark plugs about, in case an ignition issue.

The drive home was smoke free!! Strange. Clearly a problem somewhere, intermittent? Big issue? Cylinder 4 seems to be the one, it was suggested to me that it may be HT leads or at least something related to ignition there. Should try swapping some stuff around to identify better.

But in the meantime, great day, Robbie enjoyed it (he had his BMX with him as there was a skate park there, so his interest was extended)

Austin Car - Austin Pedal Car!!

Nice lineups!

Probably the only car to arrive with a BMX stowed on the back seat!

Friday 12 September 2014

Car at work - 9 or 10 - almost a year to the day since first one!

I occasionally like to take a picture of the view from the office window when I drive Amy to work. There are about 9 others of similar shots. The first one I took was on Friday 13th Sept 2013. That's as close as damn it to a year. So 364 days later, here is Amy at work again:

Running and looking as good, if not better, than she did a year ago, if I do say so myself. Also for once actually looking quite big next to the "getting to classic" H reg Mazda next to her! I mean it's getting on for 25 years old, and the MX5 is generally recognized as a classic design.
Look at the "Mini" next car up. How can that be considered a "Mini"..!!?? @#!$%

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Mini Somerset convoy to Brooklands!

It was the last visit to Brooklands of the year for the ACCC monthly meet last night. I'd met a guy locally in Bracknell who also has a Somerset and we drove up together, which was pretty cool. Most of the journey was in partial daylight, so there were some turning of heads as we pottered past!

Despite being happy that I had "fixed" my engine again, I was still back to being a little nervous. It's near enough 20 miles each way, and the journey home was going to be fully in the dark and down a number of unlit roads, so it was just in the back of my mind whether I'd have any problems.

But no - all pretty smooth there and back, was able to keep up with the other Somerset, which is a lot smoother and driven harder than mine!!

A fellow club member had a spare chrome bonnet catch and decorative chrome (the Flying A, and the chrome strip) that he sold me, which was great. He'd noticed mine was broken and brought it up as he thought I would be interested - damn right and big thanks there!

Cobham at the weekend, only round the corner from Brooklands, so no harboured worries for the journey at the weekend. The organizer was there last night and mentioned that around a third of the cars displaying at the weekend are Austins!!

Also hoping to meet the guy who is going to do my seats.

Was pondering going to ACCC rally in Tenterden in mid October before the little engine wobble, after a successful couple of longer trips, I am considering it again. But that is 80 miles each way... hmmmm.. not sure, we'll see. Don't have to register so can pretty much decide that morning!

Saturday 6 September 2014

All clear - phew! But...

So - it was the valve clearances. A number of them were tight. Adjustment PLUS a clean up of the spark plugs and we are back to normal. So from a short termist viewpoint I am very happy!

ACCC meet on Tuesday (Brooklands or Ash Vale not sure yet) plus Cobham Heritage Day next weekend still looks on, was a bit miffed about the possibility of missing both!

But as my neighbor mentioned to me (he runs a 70's 3 Litre Scimitar Convertible, not one of the 80's small ones, its a beast!), it could be an indication of valve seat recession caused by the unleaded fuel. (my cylinder head has NOT been converted) So for now I'm not too concerned, it was always a known possibility, depending on who you listen to. Small amount of adjustment after 1000 miles is OK, not sure HOW many times I can just do that before it no longer fixes the problem. But I'll wait and see if/when it raises it's head (pun intended!!) again.

I have a spare cylinder head, albeit with a small crack, the engine firm that skimmed the one I'm using quoted me around £250 to convert it to unleaded. The process of inserting the hardened seats would involve removing the metal around the crack and not be a problem, so happy to have that possibility on the back burner.

Unless anyone has a reason why that would be causing other long term damage to other parts of the engine? Can't think of any reason to worry, but  any insight welcome!

Roll on (Indian) Summer!!

Friday 5 September 2014

Engine problem again - diagnosis required

So, shouldn't have got all comfortable! First drive to work since Camberley, Amy started fine as usual, no worries there, but felt lumpy and rather sluggish.

Similar symptoms as when the head gasket failed previously, except there wasn't the "broken" noise that went with it.

Anyway, returned home, no point carrying on to work. Did cursory check with the starter handle and seems only one cylinder has proper compression. Didn't have time to check thoroughly, but if that is the case, then there is a small hope that it is valve clearances. I haven't touched them since the first Head Gasket change (let alone the third!)

Seems odd that the drive home from Camberley was fine, and yet suddenly not fine this morning, that would indicate a failure of a component, rather that coming out of adjustment.

But we'll see. Had a great, trouble free, summer's motoring. Perhaps attendance to Cobham is in jeopardy, need the weekend to work on her to find out.