Wednesday 30 October 2013

Cold and damp still won't start - New Battery

Earlier in this "adventure" I commented about wiring, ignition system etc.. probably needing attention. This was due to the occasional few days idle and a damp morning she wouldn't start. Always seemed to then start in the afternoon once the weather had warmed up and things had dried off. Other things kind of overtook and we have had some relatively nice, warm and dry-ish weather. I haven't tried a cold damp morning start since the morning after the valve was broken.

Today was one of those days. Temp quite low - 5 degrees. Quite damp - we've had a lot of rain over past few days, she's been under cover through that, but still exposed to the elements. Hasn't been driven since Saturday afternoon.

So battery was sluggish, everything was damp, refused to fire AT ALL. Not a sniff.

I have not paid any REAL attention to the electrics, because of everything else. The spark plugs are also probably pretty yucky after the re-build. So after everything else I am fairly confident that I just need to put that job back on the agenda.

So not too worried at the moment, not happy, but not worried!.

Updated: Cleaned up all spark plugs and got NEW BATTERY. OK, so turns out the wrong plugs are probably fitted, but all fine again. Roll on the next cold damp morning..!

(Oh and order new set of spark plugs from the club - to be sure I get the correct ones!)

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