Saturday 19 October 2013

Running again

Short post, as spent from 9.00 until 5.00 solid working on Amy to get her going again. The postman arrived with the gasket set and valve that I needed, so there was no stopping me.

Pistons and block cleaned up, ground in the new valve. Re-assembled everything. Borrowed Stu's Torque wrench. Had a few ups and downs, but at around 6.00 the engine was running again. Will write up some more detail in a few days, still some bits and pieces to do - check oil feed up to rocker gear, rocker cover on, recheck valve clearances etc..

But hopefull this puts this episode behind me - for a while at least. Only one small disaster, sheared a manifold bolt, but hoping can get it out and replace. And hoping she runs OK in the meantime!!

Phew this is kind of enjoyable.... 

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