Monday 21 October 2013

Mixture adjustment - longer drive

Had a play with the mixture today at lunchtime. Followed the manual. "Three turns from full home". Couldn't start from that!! So adjusted back and fiddled. Got her started and cut a long story short, after some fiddling settled with a position that is approx 2 full turns from home. Drove around at that, feels very nice. Finally remembered to tighten in the vacuum advance pipe!! So in summary - on the face of it I am back where I started. Better of course, because that valve MUST have been on the way out, I never had compression tested that 4th cylinder to know for sure, but the fact that it wasn't burning the fuel properly means it must have been bad when I got it. Rebuilt head, good even compression, decoked. Should theoretically mean better mpg as I was only getting around 22mpg before. But wait and see on that point. Did a longer drive in and around town again, feels GREAT!!!!!

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