Saturday 26 October 2013

First show and so far so good

Attended first small show in Farnborough. It was attached to a new event for the town and only a few cars in part of a public car park rather than a major event, but it was still great. There were far more than the pictures show, around 50 or so. 3 Somersets, you can see the ACCC Somerset rep's car a couple down from mine. Nice uneventful drive there and back. Shame the rain curtailed the day, but she demists nicely now that the thermostat is in.

Some very nice cars, and some quite tatty articles too!!! Amy is in that middle ground. Had some good chats. Most enjoyable and even Robbie wasn't bored! Feeling less pessimistic than the other day. Big storms coming though, so Amy is as well tucked up as I can for a few days now!

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