Monday 7 October 2013

Thermostat in at last

After the first attempt, here, the housing studs have been soaking in penetrating oil ever since. Finally got around to the job and sure enough, with a bit of gentle persuasion, the housing was off! Took a little bashing (hammer on to wood block onto housing) and a bit of tugging, but wasn't too difficult. First observation - NO thermostat as expected:  
Where the thermostat was supposed to seat into the head was a but gunked up, so scraped that out a bit, but was pretty easy to get the thermostat sitting in place nicely:

And all back together again. The point being on cold mornings to come, the engine should get to running temperature a lot quicker and the all important heater should also demist / defrost the windscreen a lot quicker. We'll see!! But for now all planned jobs are done. Plus a few others unplanned


  1. Hi,
    Love the blog!
    I was just wondering where you bought the thermostat?
    I've just bought a Somerset, same year as yours but in black, that has some overheating issues. Might try flushing the radiator out as well.

    1. Hi Elijah,

      These guys can sort you out:

      I'm STILL driving around without my thermostat in though - despite all the research!

  2. Thanks.
    It turns out there was a spare one in the boot!
    I think the overheating was due to that little copper valve next to the distributor being closed - as I understand it, that lets the antifreeze circulate around all of the engine properly?
    However, when in the open position it does drip water - so was worried that it was a valve that drains water from the engine, hopefully this isnt that case!

    1. It is a secondary drain tap! Close it again. It is probably only dripping due to being clogged. Service manual confirms as much. (Do you have a copy? If not - it is VERY useful, there is a PDF on the web : ""

  3. Brilliant, Thanks!
    I've been quite impressed so far, it's started first time even well below zero and in the damp rain. I've only been able to drive it up and down my lane, which is around a mile or so (not insured yet) but it hasn't overheated since the day when I went to test drive it.
    I will try flushing the radiator, but what else could be making it overheat?
    I'm really hoping that it's not the water pump - replacements are rather pricey!

    1. I'm no expert, was it used much before you bought it? May have just needed some circulation, hence on test drive only? But a flush is probably a good idea. Good luck with that!!


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