Monday 26 September 2016

Fuel Gauge working again

The terminal bolt on the sender just span around when trying to undo it, so originally I just pulled the wire off to get the tank out. Didnt think too much of it at the time, but that had screwed up the insulation inside the instrument, causing it to short and give no reading (well.. show full all of the time) I was lucky I didnt spin it arond too much and break the coil wiring, that would have been a difficult repair.

As it happens all I had to do was strip it down, re-insulate the terminal bolt and re-install.

All works fine. Getting an earth is tricky at the moment as I have to drill out the tank bolts to fix it back in properly, and the earth relies on that. Coil to gauge body, gauge body to fuel tank, fuel tank to car body and back to earth. So temporarily I have a wire going from the sender body direct to the main car body, just to bypass any niggles.

Will remove that later when I can. But I know how much petrol I have in the car again!! Actually down at the same amount that was in there when all the breakdowns started happening, so had better fill up now. (and see if the Fuel Sender leaks.. I confess I used a bit of Hylomar to try to ensure not.. more bodge juice!)

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