Sunday 18 September 2016

Fuel Tank options and ACCC Barn Day

Cleaning out to one side, this is the issue I have with the tank now:

So I have a number of options to consider.

1) Clean out and repair the existing one I have
2) Buy a replacement one from ebay (there are some available)
3) Get a replacement from the ACCC "Barn"

The third option was put to me on a club night and seemed like a good idea.

I spent a day at the "Barn" with other like minded folks, basically tearing a Somerset apart! But the point being was that I was able to get another tank if I so desired. But the other advantage of being at the day was that there was a lot of experience there. This persuaded me that just repairing the drain plug on mine was relatively easy, they are soldered in, no need for re-welding.

So as it happens the other fuel tanks were just as bad (if not worse) than mine, so I came away empty handed, but with my mind filled with the way to fix my situation.

On that same day the cheap little endoscope camera I had ordered arrived, and i was able to look inside my tank to see what was going on. It confirmed that the outlet pipe gauze was clogged and doing more harm than good. (the camera wasn't very good at pictures though - this is the best I could get:

So cleaning out, re-soldering the drain plug seam, refit tank into car, see what happens..!

That's next. Hopefully fit that in this week, whilst a bit of evening daylight left.

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